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Sour Security


  • Role - AI, Tools and Systems Programmer, Programming Lead

  • Tools - Unreal Engine, C++, Blueprints

  • Team Size - 7

  • Timeline - 8 Weeks



1. NPC Behavior, Tasks and Reaction to Changes in World State and Actor States

  • I implemented the NPC behavior using Unreal Engine's behavior tree framework.

  • The NPC's care about certain objects in the environment and react to changes in these objects' states. I implemented an easy way for designers to configure what objects the NPC's care about and what action they take.

  • The NPCs all perform different tasks at different locations. I designed the system so that the designers only have to specify the task object and the time it for the task to complete, and the NPCs will automatically perform tasks assigned to the task objects.

NPC Paper Design


NPC Final Implementation

2. Developed a Shader to Give a Unique Look to the Game

Base Image

Hatching the Shadows

Shadow Separation and Banding Based on Luminance

Final Look with Vertex Color and Scene Depth Based Outlines

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